Each tablet of 104mg contains Calcium fluoratum 6x, Calcium phosphoricum 6x, Calcium sulfuricum 6x, Ferrum phosphoricum 6x, Kalium muriaticum 6x, Kalium phosphoricum 6x, Kalium sulfuricum 6x, Magnesium phosphoricum 6x, Natrium muriaticum 6x, Natrium phosphoricum 6x, Natrium sulfuricum 6x and Silicea 6x in equal proportion of 8.3mg.
These tablets contain the twelve tissue remedies found in the human organism. They are of great help for those suffering from consumption and other debilitating diseases, in convalescents from fever, pneumonia, diarrhoea, etc., as they help to build up the system by supplying tissue with essential nutrients. Weak and elderly people can take them as tonic after meals. Continuous use of these tablets will prevent disease.
Health promotion through minerals:
Like food nutrients and vitamins, minerals play an important role in cellular metabolism, oxygen regulation, water balance, synthesis of immunoglobulins and related compounds, enzymatic action and preservation of proper health. Bioplasgen No. 28 offers all the ingredients which are normally found wanting in major physiological mechanism in the body.
Proven indications of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:
Calcium fluoratum
Useful in malnutrition of bones, joints & glands.
Calcium phosphoricum
Bone diseases, healing, fractures, anaemias, chronic wasting diseases and as calcium supplement.
Calcium sulfuricum
Controls inflammation, suppurative processes, decays help health of cornea (eye), ear, nose, throat and controls purulent thick yellow discharges.
Ferrum phosphoricum
Build blood, tissues, controls inflammation and minor fevers.
Kalium muraticum
For healthy ear, chest, and liver.
Kalium phosphoricum
For health of nerves, brain tissues, tranquillity and improvement of mental power.
Kalium sulphuricum
For healthy skin, joints, and chest.
Magnesium phosphoricum
For health of muscles, uterine tone, pain related nerves, and heart.
Natrium muriaticum
For health of kidney, joints and all mucous membranes.
Natrium phosphoricum
For healthier metabolism of fats, better digestive power with control on hyperacidity.
Natrium sulfuricum
For healthier water balance in the body.
Improves assimilation, corrects defective nutrition, sharpens reflexes, expels unwanted toxins
None. It can be used along with other medicines and measures. It is safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive drug with no reported side effect.
Tablets of 104 mg in bottle of 20g.
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