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Bioplasgen No. 16


Traditionally used as supportive treatment in nervous exhaustion.

اعصابی کمزوری کے لیے



Each tablet of 104mg contains Calcium phosphoricum 3x 20mg, Ferrum phosphoricum 3x 20mg, Kalium phosphoricum 3x 20mg, Magnesium phosphoricum 3x 20mg and Natrium muriaticum 3x 20mg.


Nervous exhaustion and fatigue from any cause. A general weakness of the heart, stomach and nervous system. Sleeplessness.


It implies to loss of vitality of nervous system and includes conditions like nervous exhaustion, nervous debility and anxiety neurosis. As far as the present product is concerned, it takes care of the first.

1. The main symptoms are loss of power in concentration, general muscular weakness and lack of energy. There is often loss of weight, a poor appetite, headache, palpitation and insomnia.

2. Worry over trifles, over anxious about own health, taking undue notice of unimportant symptoms or bodily discomfort calls for Bioplasgen No. 16.

3. Conviction that the abnormal symptoms with the person is due to certain organic disease is known by the term hypochondria. Since this condition is related to nervous exhaustion in most of the females and frail men, Bioplasgen No. 16 is helpful.

4. Certain fear, phobias, tension may cause nervous exhaustion and Bioplasgen No. 16 is helpful.

Proven indication of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Ferrum phosphoricum

It is indicated in anaemic who are sensitive to cold or sun, have throbbing headache, vertigo sometimes and feel better by cold application. Cannot tolerate noise and may complain of neuralgic pains.

Kalium phosphoricum

It is suited for anxiety states, nervousness, indisposition to meet people, extreme lassitude and depression, irritable, brain-fag, loss of memory, shyness and despondency towards business. Associated headache and weakness are taken care by this medicine.

Magnesium phosphoricum

It is indicated for cramping of muscles with radiating pains, neuralgia(s) mild nature. It is suited especially to tired, languid exhausted persons lamenting with confused thinking and have sleeplessness due to indigestion.

Natrium muriaticum

It is suited for weakness, weariness, oversensitive persons to all sorts of psychic causes, ill effects of grief, fright, anger, depression in chronic conditions, irritability and desire for loneliness. Headache, as if hammered, numbness and tingling are also covered by this medicine.


None. It can be used along with other medicines and measures. It is safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive drug with no reported side effect.


Tablets of 104 mg in bottle of 20g.

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